Santa Maria Nuova


City of Santa Maria Nuova

Piazza Mazzini, 1-0731 24971

The first news about a town of some cnsistenza probably foritficato, dates back to 1201 when it was signed an act of submission to the town of Jesi by Maria delle Ripe. This er ainfatti the ancient name of Santa Maria Nuova and it was probably due to the fact that the castle stood in a place characterized by numerous ravines. It suffered recurring destruction until, in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century was transferred on top of a hill located slightly to the west, the place considered most healthy and the new settlement was given the name of Santa Maria Nuova. The foundation of the new center goes back to 1472. In the following centuries Santa Maria Nuova was always considered a territorial extension of the town of Jesi, while growing the demand for autonomy in the long sought and obtained only in 1861, year of the Unity ‘ Italy.

Since agriculture has always been the most important part of the local economy, although it has suffered a reduction in employees. The camps are conducted in wheat, corn, sugar beets and sunflowers; viticulture fornische small productions of good quality; vegetables and fruit color tables in the warmer months. Industry stand out: production of plastics processing, the footwear and textiles. It ‘still alive the tradition of wrought iron and carpentry.


La tua Vacanza: Santa Maria Nuova

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