
City of Novafeltria

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 2-0541 845611

The municipality of Novafeltria, known as Mercatino Marecchia until 1941, was established in 1907 by the union of fractions separated from the town of Talamello. Chosen as a dwelling by the Counts Segni of Bologna in the first half of the seventeenth century they built a sumptuous villa, today the town hall, Novafeltria divene agricultural, commercial and theater of great fairs.

Secchiano, ancient feud of the Carpegna, then passed to the Montefeltro in 1290 was the ghibellino Galasso known for his cruelty. Dead Count Galasso, Secchiano came to the church to which he removed Malatesta Malatesta in 1334. There followed various owners, until in 1404 the castle was returned to the Montefeltro. In 1458 Sigismondo Malatesta besieged and destroyed it completely. Sartiano, Torricella and Libiano were three ancient castles. They also were fiefdoms of Carpegna, then the Holy See, then Uguccione Faggiola. In 1410 Pope Gregory XII ceded it to his nephew Paul Correr, who took them off Sigismund Malatesta, who in turn had to sell them to the enemy Federico da Montefeltro, his winner. These then passed them on to feud son Agostino Fregoso of Genoa. Fregoso from the three castles returned to the Church. Of them have only a few leftovers. Perticara is a big village of ancient origin. There were the Umbrians, the Etruscans, the Romans (they were found imperial coins); In the Middle Ages they held the Carpegna, alternating with the Municipality of Rimini and the Church, the Malatesta, Venetians and even the Church. The castle, which you can still see the ruins, was built on a rocky outcrop in the oldest part of the village. Perticara was known for its sulfur mines, which served to the Romans, the Byzantines (to manufacture the “fire graco” terrible weapon of war), and finally to all manufacturers of guns.

Mining History Museum of Perticara from sulfur mines, the miners, a journey through a work that has lasted for centuries.

Villa Signs sumptuous home of the seventeenth century, now the Town Hall.

Novafeltria theater built in 1925 in Art Deco style, has been recently restored, hosts theater seasons.


Pieve di S. Maria di Vico in Secchiano near were found gravestones and Roman inscriptions.

Parish church of Torricella and in the thick of a forest just outside the center, an area with prehistoric sacrificial hollows for collecting the blood of the victims.

La tua Vacanza: Novafeltria

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