Porto San Giorgio
Comune di Porto San Giorgio
Via Vittorio Veneto, 5 – 0734 6801
Located 5 m of alt . on the Adriatic coast between the mouths of the rivers Tenna and Ete Vivo. Active fishing port and popular seaside tourist resort , with footwear industries , wood, food ( pasta and oil mill ) building .
Built in the Middle Ages as the port city of Fermo preserves the quadrilateral turreted fortress built in the thirteenth century. (restored ), the eighteenth-century Palazzo Comunale, the Pelagallo villa , which belonged to Jerome Bonaparte , and the churches of Suffrage (XVII cent.) and St George (1840) . Rich and villas built on a regular plan with a beautiful promenade, is the modern part .
The ancient history of the seaside town , mentioned by classical authors such as Castellum Firmanorum , is closely linked to Fermo , of which , however, has been for centuries the natural outlet to the sea. Shown as Castel San Giorgionella medieval documents , in 1266 the municipality of Fermo ” rented it ” the jurisdiction of the castle and the Port of San Giorgio . The mayor Lorenzo Tiepolo, future doge of Venice, promoted maritime policy , greatly potentiated the port facilities, and also militarized the area with the construction of the port fortresses and castles .