Town of Petriano
Via San Martino, 4-0722 52130
The first historical Petriano are given in a document dated 1069. Petriano known for its strategic position has played a major role in dominating territory and that is why in 1219 it became part of the State of Urbino. From that moment he followed all the events related to the history of the city Montefeltro.
Church of San Martino is the oldest, named in a document of 1069. On the main altar “St. Martin and St. John the Baptist “by Luigi Scorraro (1900); side altar “Madonna and Child, St. Joseph, St. Anne and Saint Lucia” by Antonio Rondelli (1759 to 1848).
Church of Santa Maria in Calafria is cited by 1290. It was rebuilt in 1700. Inside “The Assumption” (1714), painted by Domenico Urbino Giannotti.
Oratory of SS. Conception still existing but not officiated, it is the Oratory of SS. Conception of the Valley, established by family Crescentini.
Church of St. Gallen built in 1956. It hosts the painting “St. Bernardino “from Siena who loves the Lady of the Snows”, coming from the Church of San Bernardino; a crucifixion of the seventeenth century and an altarpiece depicting “The Assumption of St. John the Baptist and St. Julian Martyr” of the baroque school.
Church of San Bernardino Chapel of St. Bernard, once called Santa Maria ad Nives or Castel di Sajano, now has the features of a kiosk closed by a glass wall. There is the original image of the “Madonna dei Sodi”, a rare fresco of 1779.
Church of St. John the Baptist of Riceci of 1779, the design of the brick façade reminiscent of certain works carried out at that time in the ducal city of Urbino architect Giuseppe Tosi.
Shrine of Our Lady of Sodi where once stood the church of Santa Maria Assunta, is a newsstand today, renews ta in 1996, where it is venerated copy ceramic image of Our Lady of Sodi.