City of Montecassiano
Via G. Rossini, 5-0733 299811
To secure medieval, the current center of Montecassiano stands on older structures dating back to the first post-Roman period.
The most accepted hypothesis today it traces the origin of the center to the period immediately following the fall of Helvia Recina. In the Middle Ages the town became the costs of the conflicts and struggles between the Guelph (which joined) and Ghibellina, among the most powerful neighbors Osimani and Macerata and between Malatesta and the Da Varano, undergoing looting and destruction. In the period after his story unfolds as part of the papal state and the unified Italian state.
Church of St. Nicholas: Romanesque. Inside there are only traces of the original fresco decoration. In it it houses the oldest bell in the Marche (merged in 1382) visited on request.
St Mark’s Church: now used for exhibitions and cultural activities, was originally used for the city council and during times of plague. It was restored in the eighteenth century and inside are visible paintings of 1600 and 1700.