Cupra Marittima
City of Cupra Marittima
Freedom Square, 11-0735 77671
Cupra Marittima means sea, it is in fact … sea. The small lakeside resort comes up with the natural spontaneity of a place where sea, in a fine ecological balance, the land becomes sea, seamless.
To the south of the hill Sant’Andrea sightings of the ruins of the castle of St. Andrew, recently restored and enhanced (open even at night) and is what remains of the medieval village of sec. XII and the ruins of the ancient church of St. Gregory the Great and St. Andrearisultano yet traced the fabric of the city. From the castle through the hilly ridge we enter the medieval town of Marano.
The beautiful bike path along the cliffs to the sea connects Grottammare. Of particular interest is the Show permanent Malacologica where the exhibits are more than 900,000 while those held in study collections of the museum are more than 9 million.