Piazza Matteotti, 2-0721 97101
After the destruction of the Roman city of Suasa by the hand of the king of the Goths, Alaric, the survivors fled to the surrounding hills, giving rise to the hill towns, including Mondavio. Another interpretation wants instead Mondavio originated when some families settled around the monastery that St. Francis had built.
As we see the origin is uncertain, but it is also uncertain derivation of the name Mondavio: some from “Monte Avio”, the local lord of the 1300s, for others from the Latin “Mons avium” or mountain birds of Franciscan flavor. In 1300 there is a castle, and it is stated on other nearby villages, creating the Vicariate of Mondavio. It was ecclesiastical fief of Malatesta of Rimini with the good governance of Pandolfo. Triumphal entry was in 1442 in Mondavio Sigismund Malatesta, whose wife Polyxena Sforza had brought a dowry of the Vicariate removed to the Church by Father Francis.
But trgica was their end, defeated first by King Alfonso of Aragon and then finally by Federico da Montefeltro, allies of the pope. In 1474, after a brief period of Principles Piccolomini, the Vicariate was granted by Pope Sixtus IV to his nephew Giovanni Della Rovere. A Mondavio born Francesco Maria I della Rovere, adopted by his uncle Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino in 1508 became head of the dynasty and Della Rovere. Extinct Della Rovere in 1631, the Vicariate went employed by the Apostolic See and remained there until its annexation to the Kingdom of Italy in 1860.
Rocca di Mondavio designed by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, was built between 1482 and 1492. And ‘considered the ultimate expression of the art of the early Renaissance fortified. La Rocca, fully restored houses inside some museums and exhibitions, is also used as a setting for events of art, food and wine and entertainment.
Museum of Historic Revival reconstruction of scenes of Renaissance life, banquet halls, the oven, the torture, the ammunition depot, etc.
Museo Civico Pinacoteca canvases School Warriors, Barocci, Ridolfi, majolica, staute, sculptures and antique books.
Armory exhibition of a large collection of weapons: swords, daggers, halberds, etc.
War machines-size reconstruction of war machines designed by Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1439-1501): catapults, trebuchets, bombards, etc.
Artillery Park in Rivellino artillery originals are on display, including several rarities, from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century.
Sanctuary Regina Pacis in the hamlet of San Michele al Fiume, is among the religious of the Cesano valley.