Poggio San Marcello
Town of Poggio San Marcello
Piazza del Comune, 3-0731 813 446
Although the country inhabited since ancient times, becomes part of written history with the origins of the Castle around the thirteenth century. The chronicles of the time report that was supposed to be at that time a “villa” on the hill, where it exercised its jurisdiction the Bishop of Jesi. In 1261 it is already equipped with fortifications and is known as Castle Poggio San Marcello. Since 1301 it is part of the domains of Jesi.
Documented by ancient parchment presentation of the Palio from the castle on the feast of St. Florian, the patron of Jesi (dominant city). The country follows the fortunes of the town of Jesi until the Napoleonic invasion of much of the territory of the Papal States. In 1926 it is decided the suppression and aggregation in Castelplanio, as a fraction. So it was until 1947, when Poggio San Marcello was made autonomous municipality.
The City Wall the old town is well preserved: it has two gates, called Porta San Nicola (1455), once only entrance, and Porta del Soccorso (1641) surmounted by the crest of the City of Jesi. The castle walls retain their charm. Rebuilt by Domenico di Giovanni from Bellinzona, they are equipped with towers and turrets, one of which is pentagonal and rare workmanship.
Madonna del Soccorso Poggio San Marcello is known for the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Soccorso (1646, rebuilt in 1870 by Jesi Santini), at the entrance of the village. Displayed here is the statue of the Madonna and Child (1608) and the frescoes of the cupolas are the work of A. Rinaldi (‘900).
St. Nicholas at the end of the main street that runs through the castle overlooking the Parish Church of St. Nicholas (1763), built after the demolition of the original church designed by Mattia Capponi and Nicola Maiolatesi. A Madonna and Child (1603) Antonino Sarti and a fresco on the Crucifixion (sec. XIV) from the old church of S. Marcello. Sights include the Gothic crypt located in the vicinity and belonging oldest building (sec. XIV).
The Town Hall near the parish church is the Town Hall (1772), from the board room finely painted, built and designed by the architect Andrea Vici. Inside there is also the Municipal Theatre.