The name probably derives from the merger of two elements: the abundance of water in the territories and the clear reference to the dog to indicate the place to guard the valley of the High Fiastrone.
E ‘documented that Acquacanina was feud of the Count of Manardo Sigfredo, of which there is memory in a document of 977. It was subsequently submitted to the Benedictine monks, before these they built the Abbey of Rio Sacro, until sec. XV when freed free municipality while under the influence of Camerino.
Abbey Church of St. Mary in Rio Sacred built by the Benedictines, has the century bell tower. Frescoes, on the high altar a polychrome group of XVI century and a painting painted by Noble from Lucca and a dais of De Magistris (1555). Impressive Romanesque crypt dating from the original construction (ninth century).