

City of Mondolfo
Via Garibaldi, 1-0721 9391

I Malatesta, with Jailbird, were the first Lords of Mondolfo and erected the first fortifications that were rearranged by Giovanni Della Rovere after the investiture by Pope Sixtus IV, his uncle (1474). Originated the oldest there is little news. Giovanni’s son, Francesco Maria Della Rovere, adopted by his uncle Guidobaldo da Montefeltro and became Duke of Urbino, he brought with him the town that took place in the duchy. Among uprisings and repression was conquered by Cesare Borgia “Valentino” and das Lorenzo De ‘Medici, to return to the Duchy with Guidobaldo II Della Rovere until 1631, the year of its devolution to the Church.

Church of San Sebastian is located in the village of the same name at the foot of the hill of Mondolfo. The original church was built in 1479 to vote during a plague, and was dedicated to the Roman martyr Sebastiano, it invoked precisely against this disease.

Castle walls that remains of the fortifications mondolfesi. Although they have suffered deterioration and tampering, it is still running a work, which still plays a precise static function.

Church of St. John the Beheaded (seventeenth century), an old town, was originally an oratory Death Company, open only to the functions of the Holy Week.

Church of Santa Maria del Soccorso (called St. Augustine) singular example of provincial architecture, with inside paintings of the period between the sixteenth and the eighteenth century.


La tua Vacanza: Mondolfo

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